Newest Book from Jim Halloran!
Come along as we travel through 120 years of Major League Baseball, starting with the first World Series year, 1903. Enjoy the recap of the highs and lows of the pennant races, the teams, and their star players. and stories that accompany each season. Baseball is much more than statistics; it is a story. It is the emotions and drama behind the statistics that have made it America’s National Pastime. The chronology is intended for the average baseball fan who wishes to revisit or learn baseball history. It makes an excellent reference companion to the past for the reader while they watch the game on television or for a group discussion of “remember when?” It begs nostalgia and inspires the fan or student to reach for further research.
The 686 page hard cover book is an overview of each season of Major League Baseball since the first World Series in 1903. You have been reading many of the stories in the blog; this is the rest of the stories for each season. Each year starts with a story, followed by a capsule summary of each year’s pennant races, followed by an assessment of each team and their key players in that season, and concludes with a paragraph on the World Series. Don’t let the length scare you as it is written in a storybook style, decade by decade approach, allowing the reader to read in any order they prefer. Each decade, approximately 50 pages, is its own story and can be read separately.
Come along as we travel through 120 years of Major League Baseball, starting with the first World Series in 1903. Enjoy the recap of the highs and lows of the pennant races, the teams, their notable players. and stories that accompany each season. Baseball is much more than statistics; it is a story. It is the emotions and drama behind the statistics that have made it, America’s National Pastime. This chronology is intended for baseball fans at all levels of interest who wish to revisit or learn baseball history.
Meet Jim Halloran
Jim Halloran is a student and lover of the game. Jim has worked on various textbooks throughout the years. That probably explains the ease with which this book teaches and informs the reader of the history of the game. He has put together all his knowledge and research to create a guide you’ll want to pass down to your kids.
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Welcome to Baseball: It’s More Than Statistics. Since writing the highly acclaimed book Baseball and America, I have researched 120 years of baseball history, 1903-2023. My new book, Baseball: It’s More Than Statistics, is now available. I will be posting weekly some of what I have learned during my research over the past year and a half.
Come along on my time machine. You will enjoy many stories while gaining a true understanding of the history of your favorite teams and the careers of the players that won our hearts. It will be entertaining, educational, and nostalgic.